IMU Tech Recommendations
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Web Tools
Arts & Craft Tools
Heal your body by Louise Hay
Heal Your Body is a fresh and easy step-by-step guide. Just look up your specific health challenge and you will find the probable cause for this health issue and the information you need to overcome it by creating a new thought pattern.
Opening to Channel: How to Connect with your Guide Sanaya Roman & Duane Packer
Opening to Channel is a book with a startling message for the millions of curious Americans who are eager to learn more about this fascinating experience.
Second Sight: An Intuitive Psychiatrist Tells Her Extraordinary Story and Shows You How To Tap Your Own Inner Wisdom
This is both a remarkable self-portrait of one woman’s journey toward the acceptance of intuition as a therapeutic tool, and a comprehensive look at how you, too, can develop your intuition, transform your health, and revolutionize your everyday life.
The Dream Book: Symbols for Self-Understanding by Betty Bethards
It shows ways to remember dreams and solve problems in waking hours, as well.

The Psychic Workbook: Tools and Techniques to Develop Reliable Insight
Everyone is psychic—it’s a natural, normal human instinct. Discover how to use the full capacity of your mind and to incorporate inherent abilities into new and exciting experiences. Learn how to turn hunches and intuitions into strong psychic awareness.
You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay
An excerpt from You Can Heal Your Life: “Life Is Really Very Simple. What We Give Out, We Get Back What we think about ourselves becomes the truth for us. I believe that everyone, myself included, is responsible for everything in our lives, the best and the worst. Every thought we think is creating our future. Each one of us creates our experiences by our thoughts and our feelings. The thoughts we think and the words we speak create our experiences.”
Fitness Tools
Children of the Self-Absorbed by Nina W Brown
Children of the Self-Absorbed offers clear definitions of narcissism and narcissistic personality disorder to help you identify the extent of your parent’s problem. You’ll learn the different types of destructive narcissism and how to recognize their effects on your relationships.You’ll find realistic strategies and steps for setting up mutually agreed upon behaviors, so you can fulfill your own emotional needs.
Codependent No More by Melody Beattie
A source of healing and inspiration for millions, this modern classic spent over three years on the New York Times best seller list and made codependency a household word.
You Can Thrive After Narcissistic Abuse by Melanie Tonia Evans
This revolutionary program is designed to heal you from the inside out, and its effectiveness has been proven by thousands of people worldwide.
Kitchen Tools
Financial Alchemy: Twelve Months of Magic and Manifestation by Morgana Rae
No more chasing after your goals! Attract them easily. An emphasis on using the Law of Attraction but taking it to extraordinary new heights of effectiveness. A Success Journal, so you can actually see where practical, real-world results meet up with the undeniable magic that will be appearing in your life on a regular basis.
The Magic by Rhonda Byrne
For more than twenty centuries, words within a sacred text have mystified, confused, and been misunderstood by almost all who read them. Only a very few people through history have realized that the words are a riddle, and that once you solve the riddle—once you uncover the mystery—a new world will appear before your eyes.
Podcasting Equipment
Animal Spirits Knowledge Cards : Paintings by Susan Seddon Boulet
The world was inhabited by the higher beings, who took the form of fantastical creatures that were part animal, part human, and exceedingly powerful. These beings are the spirit guides who lead the departed to the next life, heal the sick, and restore balance and harmony to a troubled world. The tribal healers knew the animal sprits well. They journeyed beyond the threshold of ordinary reality to invoke the power of these great beings.
Goddesses: Knowledge Cards : Paintings by Susan Seddon Boulet
In learning about goddesses from different cultures, we can recognize these archetypes as parts of ourselves, allowing us a clearer vision of our strengths and weaknesses and giving us a common thread, a link to the collective unconscious.
Mystical Shaman Oracle by Alberto Villoldo, Collette Baron-Reid & Marcela Lobos
The Medicine Wheel, the Curse, the Eagle, the Jaguar, and others spoke to us intimately. In their countless manifestations, they offered hope, expressed caution, illuminated opportunity, inspired creation, courted power, and shared knowledge. The sacred symbols belong to the realm of archetypes and the collective unconscious, the spiritual common ground shared by peoples modern and ancient.
The Book of Runes by Ralph H Blum
Based on a tradition more than two millennia old, Ralph H. Blum presents contemporary interpretations of Rune casting for Spiritual Warriors, people seeking wisdom and guidance to affect positive change in their present lives to build a better future.
The Enchanted Tarot: 30th Anniversary Edition Amy Zerner & Monty Farber
The extraordinary collage images created by Amy Zerner as fabric tapestries weave a richly detailed fantasy world that is impossible to resist. The accompanying book by Monte Farber offers you guidance derived from your dream and waking states of mind and your resulting state of enchantment.
Universal Cards Angelically Inspired by Juliet Jaffray Hubbs & Nora Monaco
Hardcover spiral bound book and 88 cards in a keepsake box.
Wisdom of the Hidden Realms Collett Barron-Reid
These cards represent some of those realms and their Queens and Kings, Princes, and other magical helpers. Let the Swan Queen point the way to transformation, the Arrow Master help you reach your goals, the Sun Dancers herald your victories, and the Sacred Union speak to the depth of your longing for love. Ask and ye shall receive, for the Highest Good is their motto. If you call upon them, they will answer
Web Tools
Animal Spirits Knowledge Cards : Paintings by Susan Seddon Boulet
The world was inhabited by the higher beings, who took the form of fantastical creatures that were part animal, part human, and exceedingly powerful. These beings are the spirit guides who lead the departed to the next life, heal the sick, and restore balance and harmony to a troubled world. The tribal healers knew the animal sprits well. They journeyed beyond the threshold of ordinary reality to invoke the power of these great beings.
Goddesses: Knowledge Cards : Paintings by Susan Seddon Boulet
In learning about goddesses from different cultures, we can recognize these archetypes as parts of ourselves, allowing us a clearer vision of our strengths and weaknesses and giving us a common thread, a link to the collective unconscious.
Mystical Shaman Oracle by Alberto Villoldo, Collette Baron-Reid & Marcela Lobos
The Medicine Wheel, the Curse, the Eagle, the Jaguar, and others spoke to us intimately. In their countless manifestations, they offered hope, expressed caution, illuminated opportunity, inspired creation, courted power, and shared knowledge. The sacred symbols belong to the realm of archetypes and the collective unconscious, the spiritual common ground shared by peoples modern and ancient.
The Book of Runes by Ralph H Blum
Based on a tradition more than two millennia old, Ralph H. Blum presents contemporary interpretations of Rune casting for Spiritual Warriors, people seeking wisdom and guidance to affect positive change in their present lives to build a better future.
The Enchanted Tarot: 30th Anniversary Edition Amy Zerner & Monty Farber
The extraordinary collage images created by Amy Zerner as fabric tapestries weave a richly detailed fantasy world that is impossible to resist. The accompanying book by Monte Farber offers you guidance derived from your dream and waking states of mind and your resulting state of enchantment.
Universal Cards Angelically Inspired by Juliet Jaffray Hubbs & Nora Monaco
Hardcover spiral bound book and 88 cards in a keepsake box.
Wisdom of the Hidden Realms Collett Barron-Reid
These cards represent some of those realms and their Queens and Kings, Princes, and other magical helpers. Let the Swan Queen point the way to transformation, the Arrow Master help you reach your goals, the Sun Dancers herald your victories, and the Sacred Union speak to the depth of your longing for love. Ask and ye shall receive, for the Highest Good is their motto. If you call upon them, they will answer
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