by Maureen Keefe | Oct 11, 2022 | Consciousness, Featured Post, Guidance, Intuition, Mastery, Uncategorized
Know Thyself Intuition Matters! I believe that we are on an evolutionary journey of expanding Consciousness. On this journey our Intuition is our life jacket; our oxygen mask; our life-line; our guideposts; our telephone; our computer; and manna from Heaven, all...
by Maureen Keefe | Sep 20, 2022 | Ascension, Consciousness, Guidance, Healing, Law of Attraction, Uncategorized
Choices I am CHOOSING to live in joy. To succeed at this, it is necessary to CHOOSE to unplug from all thought patterns that re-engage my wounds & fears, and to CHOOSE to focus only on thoughts of what I desire to experience more of in my life. This is Guidance...
by Maureen Keefe | Nov 16, 2015 | Consciousness, Focus, Guidance, Thrive-vival, Uncategorized
Key to surviving today’s turbulent times discovered in the movie “The Passion of Christ”. When I was invited to attend Mel Gibson`s movie,”The Passion of Christ”, I was clueless about what I was getting into. Picture an ultra-sensitive...
by Maureen Keefe | Sep 22, 2013 | Ascension, Consciousness, Healing
Consciousness – Our Soul’s Beckoning In these changing times we are all experiencing challenge and turbulence in some form in our lives. Our Souls are calling us forward. That which no longer serves us, or is not in our Highest Good, must fall away. If we...
by Maureen Keefe | Sep 9, 2013 | Ascension
Ascension – Releasing Our Past Over the last few years (and more specifically in the last 9 months), a large part of my personal journey has been to release all that no longer serves me. We are all doing this, whether we are aware of it or not. The opportunity...