Prosperity – Freeing Ourselves From Bondage
Have you ever dreamed of winning the lottery? What would you do if you had vast wealth and unlimited resources? I prompted a friend once with that question. Her reply was, “I don’t need much for myself.” and then launched into all of the ways she would help others. I felt a contraction in my belly. Something was amiss. Recently I had heard in an interview with Margaret Lynch ( how we have even been programmed to desire “in appropriate ways”. Through approval/disapproval and/or through outright directives, we become conditioned to think, view and act on our world in “socially appropriate” ways. Though my friend authentically desires to help others, I did not feel/sense that this was the route for her to get prosperity flowing in her life.
I asked her instead to answer that question only with things that would make HER heart sing. What would bring her pleasure? What would she want to do? Where would she go? What would she have? What would inspire her? What would she want to learn more about? My friend then unleashed the most impassioned, inspiring, fun, exciting list I have ever heard. (Way to be a Star, Audrey!)
The edges of the Universe keep expanding because WE are expanding it…with our thoughts, dreams and desires. Helping others and the planet is a lovely sentiment but we have to feed our own souls first. It is from that place of creation that we change the world in amazing ways and beyond our wildest dreams.
When we try to “play by the rules” we contract energetically. Abundance is about expansion. Envision a life you would revel in. Give yourself permission today to dream on YOUR terms. It’s YOUR life…GET INTUIT!